Sunday, October 4, 2009

Assignment #17

Pages 399-422

Sticky wants to run away instead of visiting Mr. Curtain in the Whispering Gallery. What is he worried about? What is the best thing that Sticky can do?


Anonymous said...


Sticky is worried that Mr. Curtain is going to suspect something if he tries to resist the Whisperer in his next session. The best thing Sticky can do is be brave

Anonymous said...

1.He is worried about getting his memories swept away and getting caught.2.I think he should try to deal with it unless it gets dangerous.


Anonymous said...

Sticky is worried thet Mr.Curtian will suspect something and then he might try to brain sweep them. Sticky can try to forget and just worrie about Milligan and the others.


Anonymous said...

He does not want to get his brain sweept.Sticky should go with the flow.But the best thing sticky can do is try to remember everything like his talent of not forgeting things.


Anonymous said...

Sticky is worried MR.Curtain will sweep his mind.He shouldnot be scared.