Friday, October 2, 2009

Pages 329-341

Pages 329-341

What moment do you think was going to be the "right" moment for Reynie. See page 337. Do you agree with Reynie?


Anonymous said...


The "right moment" Reynie thought of was after the day's classes had ended. I agree with this "moment" since nobody would be patrolling.

Anonymous said...

I think the right moment will be when Migllin tells them when to go. I aggre with Reynie they should wait.


Anonymous said...

I think the right moment will be when Migllan signals them. Yes, I do agree with Reynie to wait.


Anonymous said...


The "right moment" Reynie was thinking of was after the day's classes ended. I agree with Reynie for the "moment" he picked because the Recruiters wouldn't be watching as much as when the day's classes would be in session.

Anonymous said...

I think the right moment will be when Milligan tells them to go. I aggre with Reynie, they SHOULD wait.


Anonymous said...

I think they should go when Milligan says so.I think they should wait.


Anonymous said...


The "right" moment Reynie thought of was after all the day's classes had ended. I agree with Reynie because there probably wouldn't be as many Recruiters prowling around.

Anonymous said...

1.I think Milligan is the right moment for Reynie.I agree with Reynie.

Anonymous said...

They should go when Milligan tells them to.I agree with Reynie they should wait for the right time. Jenny

Anonymous said...

I think he is waiting for more clues on whats happening. Yes, I would agree with Reynie.
