Sunday, September 27, 2009

Assignment #12

For pages 313 - 327

Who goes into the "whispering gallery?" How do you think the messengers play a part in Mr. Curtain's evil plan?


Anonymous said...


Messengers (like Reynie and Sticky) go into the Whispering Gallery. I think the Messengers play a part in Mr. Curtain's evil plan by raising the power level on the Whisperer so Mr. Curtain can hear the world's people's thougts.

Anonymous said...

Reynie and Sticky.He REC their messages so he can hear all of the messages and their thoughts.So he knows what their plans are.


Anonymous said...

Renyie and Sticky and other messengers go in the Wisper Gallery. I think he [Mr.Curtian] is using it to hear peoples thoughts and to use it to boost the power on his machine.


Anonymous said...

1.renyie and sticky go in the gallery.2.I think b they spread the word about M.r Curtain.


Anonymous said...

1.Renyie and Sticky go into the whispering gallery.2.They work the mind sweepers that swepps people minds away n and hinds them inside their minds so that the people cant rethink those thoughts back.

Anonymous said...

Messangers go in The whispering gallery and there thoughts get read.


Anonymous said...

1.Messengers like Martina can go in the whispering gallery.2.I think they sweep the memories out of people,s minds.

Anonymous said...

Reynie and Sticky go into the whispering gallery.It said the whisperer needs kids so I think thats how the messengers help.

Anonymous said...

Reynie and Sticky go the whisper gallery.I think it helps Mr.Curtain to make his brian sweeper divice go into action!


Anonymous said...

Reynie and Sticky and other messengers I think play a part by whispering the messages that are herd in there head all the time and then Mr. Curtain erases there minds on the things they said.Thats why erlier in the book when Reynie had his first time in the whisperer it felt like he was in there for only ten seconds but he was realy in there for an hour.