Thursday, September 17, 2009

Assignment #7

What do you think the "Waiting Room" was like? Write a few sentences describing your thoughts.

For next week read pages 203 thru 220.


Anonymous said...

I think the wating room is like a place where you wait to be fired. Because one of the exectuives had to go to the waiting room to be fired.


Anonymous said...

I would not like it.Because someone
got fired in there.


Anonymous said...

I think thats where you do the hidden messenges that got inside peoples head or minds.


Anonymous said...


I think being in the Waiting Room is like being in court waiting to lose a trial. I would never want to get stuck in the Waiting Room.

Anonymous said...

I think the waiting room is a very bad place.Somebody got fired thats why I think its a bad place. J.H

Anonymous said...

I think the waiting room is a place where you wait to speak with Mr. Curtain about somthig bad like waiting outside the principle's office becase you started a food fight.


Anonymous said...

Its a bad place.You get spun around until you barth.So I think its a bad place. Jenny

Anonymous said...

I think it is like a junjle because when sticky came back he looked all dirty.


Anonymous said...

I think the waiting room is like a jungle .Because when Sticky came back it looked like he was in one.


Anonymous said...

I think it is a very dark and scary


Anonymous said...

I think it is a very dark and scary


Anonymous said...

The waiting room is a bad place.Somebody got fired in the waiting room. Jenny