Welcome to the blog for Price Harris' gifted and talented students who are reading the "Mysterious Benedict Society" by Trenton Lee Stewart.
As students read the book they will follow the blog and leave their comments as directed. This group novel study students will be expected to communicate through this blog. In addition to reading the novel and completing the activities on the blog, the students will create a visual prop that they will share with the class as they present their interpretation of this selection. More information about project/prop ideas will be given out.
For your first assignment, read pages 1-27. This should be completed by August 28. If all students complete the reading assignment sooner we will move on to the first activity sooner.
When you wish to leave a comment on the blog please choose the "name/url" option and enter your name. If you would like to be notified when the blog has been updated please email me with your email address and I will make sure that you are notified. My email address is: kcrowson@usd259.net.
One last item. The author of our selection, Trenton Lee Stewart will be visiting Watermark Books (Oliver and Douglas) on Wed, October 21st at 7 pm. If you have not been to an author's book talk before I would highly recommend it. I would think that he will read selected pages of one of his books and answer questions. Let me know if you plan to attend so I can make sure to see you there!
One last item. The author of our selection, Trenton Lee Stewart will be visiting Watermark Books (Oliver and Douglas) on Wed, October 21st at 7 pm. If you have not been to an author's book talk before I would highly recommend it. I would think that he will read selected pages of one of his books and answer questions. Let me know if you plan to attend so I can make sure to see you there!
Thanks for visiting our blog! Please book mark this link to come back often.
I hope that everyone enjoys this story and enjoys working on the blog. Mrs. C.
Hi Mrs. Crowson ! This site looks great. We look forward to all you have in store this year. I think mom & dad are going to learn a lot too! We plan to be there on Oct. 21st. Patresa
So far, we LOVE the book!
Mrs. C.
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